EfficiencyOne presents at new virtual workshop series Energy Talks EfficiencyOne presents at new virtual workshop series Energy Talks We were pleased to have our very own Hugh MacDonald, Director of Information & Analytics and Ryan Kelly, Technical Lead, join a wide range of presenters as part of the new virtual workshop series Energy Talks on July 22, 2020. Hugh and Ryan along with Winston Morton, Chief Technical Officer at our partner Simptek Technologies, to deliver a session on Intelligent Efficiency Supply Chain Using Advanced Analytics. Over the past few months EfficiencyOne and Simptek Technologies have partnered on a pilot project to test the merits of using machine learning technology to increase enrolment in efficiency programs and streamline delivery of efficiency services. The pilot project consists of using data analytics to help homeowners find the most relevant program offers, estimate potential savings, and access the products and services they need to take action to improve overall household energy efficiency. These insights will enable homeowners to quickly understand their best options to save money, improve their energy efficiency, and select local efficiency product and service vendors. #energytalks #energyinnovators Learn more about the Energy Talks workshop series. More Articles from Events May 26, 2021 Events Nova Scotians saving $1.4 billion in energy costs through energy efficiency, says EfficiencyOne 2020 Annual Report May 26, 2021 – Halifax/Kjipuktuk,NS – EfficiencyOne, the non-profit supplier of energy efficiency and greenhouse gas mitigation services and operator of Canada’s first energy efficiency utility, Efficiency Nova Scotia, released its 2020 Annual Report today. The report details EfficiencyOne’s 2020 performance and results, and celebrates energy efficiency’s contributions to a more sustainable, prosperous, and equitable […] December 14, 2020 Events EfficiencyOne presents on virtual audits EfficiencyOne has been exploring the use of virtual home assessments for lead-generation in its whole-home energy efficiency program (based on EnerGuide). Virtual Audits are touchless, data-driven assessments generated without or with minimal involvement from the homeowner. The next phase of this project will be substituting the traditional EnerGuide assessment with a remote audit. Remote audits […] October 7, 2020 Events Energy Efficiency Day 2020 Did you know the energy efficiency sector is a significant contributor to climate change and sustainability goals here in Nova Scotia? Since 2010, our energy efficiency sector has played a major role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and through Efficiency Nova Scotia programs have contributed to over 25% of GHG reductions in Nova Scotia. Energy […]